The Hollow Valley Tarot

Illustrated by Erin Alise Borzak. Written by Davis Carr.

The Hollow Valley Tarot is rich in symbolism and steeped in magic. It is a tool for self-reflection that can offer us clarity, guidance and direction when we feel lost, afraid and confused. You have the answers you need inside of them — all you need is dedicated time & space to processing and understanding yourself, the situation, and the deeper patterns at play.

The Hollow Valley is perfect for new readers who are looking to connect with a deck on a soul level and want to internalize what the cards mean for them. You don't need to rely on memorizing definitions written by people a hundred years ago who had different basic assumptions about the world. This deck has the flexibility, the openness, for you to make your own associations and develop your own personal meanings to the cards.

And it will also be a joy for more experienced readers who are looking for a new take on the cards, and who are looking for a bit more freedom and playfulness in the underlying theory of tarot. This deck invites you to think differently about the meanings you've taken for granted.

Three cards from the Hollow Valley Tarot are displayed against a black background. The remaining cards in the deck are in a stack, face down, to the left. A magnifying glass enlarges a drawing of a death skull moth on one of the cards.

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