About The Hollow Valley

The Hollow Valley began as an oracle deck in 2018, and has since grown into a magical supply company + community learning space for getting in touch with the magic we hold within ourselves and that which exists around us in likely and unlikely spaces. The Hollow Valley is about finding a sense of sureness in this wild uncertainty - for finding comfort in the unknown and learning to caretake ourselves spiritually during difficult times using magical tools and goods in tandem with intuition and fearless exploration.



Erin Alise - she/hers - Leo ☼ / Scorpio ⌓ / Gemini ☽

Erin Alise is an illustrator and witch based in unceded territory of the Cherokee and Shawnee nations (aka Nashville, TN). Through classes on witchery and creative recovery as well as through her illustrated decks, Erin helps creative witches get clarity on their purpose and keep inspired through uncertain times. She has two published oracle decks, The Hollow Valley Deck of Symbols and The Hollow Valley Sigil Oracle which are available through her website and at 100s of witchy + wonderful retailers across the US and Canada. Erin also runs a membership, The Hollow Valley Coven, which is a community space focused on solo-practicing witches building community and esoteric/spiritual knowledge through powerful conversation, a focus on living with the flow of nature and the cosmos, and the belief that making magic can unlock our greatest potential.